Contact Info:
Email Address ( :
City, State, Zip:
Phone (incl. area code) :
Home Information:
Do you live in: House Apartment/Condo Duplex
How long have you lived there?
Do you rent or own your home? Own Rent
If you rent, have you paid a pet deposit: Yes No
# Adults in the home: # Children in the home:
Children's ages:
Do you or anyone in your household or immediate family have allergies or asthma?
Yes No Don't Know
Your Pets:
Do you currently have any pets?
Yes No
If yes, types & ages:
List other pets you have had in the past 5 years:
What happened to your previous pets?
Are your pets:
Where do your pets sleep at night?
Your Veterinarian's Name:
Vet. Hospital:
Veterinarian's Phone Number, including area code:
What are you looking for:
Are you looking for: Companion for you Companion for your pet For someone else
Other characteristics you are looking for (e.g., mellow, lap cat, vocal, affectionate, activity level, etc.):
Other comments:
Are there particular animals on the website that interest you?
If so, which animal(s)?
Have you ever adopted from a Humane Society / Rescue Group before?
Yes No
If so, how long ago?
Name of organization:
Have you ever taken an animal to a shelter?
Yes No
If yes, what were the circumstances?
Do you have any questions for us?